Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Doing new things everyday!

Gosh, if you think time flies by wait until you have kids... I cannot believe how fast my children are growing.
Sebastian has an amazing vocabulary and says things that just crack me up.
Nate is grabbing at his feet and tryingto blow bubbles now! I LOVE IT!

Oh and I just figured out how to add videos to my blog (duh!) so be prepared to see lots more of the kids :)


Jackie said...

Nate is so adorable, makes you just want to grab his chubby cheeks and thighs!

Anonymous said...

J'ai le même à la maison... bulles à gogo et joue avec ses pieds... ils n'ont pas le même âge pour rien nos loulous!!
La courbe de croissance suit?? Léopol faisait 8200g/65cm à 4mois... merci le lait de môman!!!!
Bizzz à vous 4!

Monique Daragjati Bannon said...

so cute! get sebastian on some videos.. william was watching nate and said who is that baby? :) then he asked to see sebastian! doesn't the 2nd baby just fly! mark is trying to walk here and there.. he is a fast crawler so i'm not convinced he'll walk before william did (10.5 mos) but when he tries he really goes for it!