Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Half Birthday lovie!

Time sure flies when you are having fun!!!
It seems like only yesterday, we welcomed Mr. Nathaniel into our family and now he is such a big boy.

What is Nate up to these days:

- He weighs 21.5 lbs!! He lovesssssssssss the boob, doesn't care for baby food but seems more interested in what we eat than what is in his plate. He does love the organic teething biscuits I give him though. It's a like a drug to him and he cries his little heart out when he is done with it.

- He sits up very well, scoots backwards and to the side only.

- Says: mama, dada, nana and blows bubbles all day long.

- puts his arms up in the air when mommy enters the room so she can carry him.

- is starting to experience some speration anxiety, and cries when I leave the room.

- is the biggest flirt EVER.

- simply adores his big brother and will twist and turn in any way possible just to make sure he is always inhis line of sight (so cute!).

Here is a storyboard I made for Eric with his 6 month photos. I know it looks more like something I should have given him for Father's Day but it's still adorable!

***click to enlarge****

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