Saturday, May 31, 2008

A fun morning!

This morning we went to Tradewinds Park, all 4 of us. They have a little farm with goats, sheep, pigs and also have horses that the kids can ride.
Sebastian was SO happy. I think he talked about the horses all day long especially about the horse that pooped while Sebastian was riding what 2 year isn't fascinated by poop?? That totally made his day!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Sebastian has been giving us a hard time with napping. If we are lucky we get him to take a nap twice a week (one of those days being on the weekend). I must admit, the days he doesn't nap are HARD! I need a break from my crazy, energetic 2 year old.

Last Saturday, as I was nursing the baby, Sebastian was playing in his playroom. He was being pretty quiet (any mom knows that silence = trouble) so I got up to go check on him. This is what I found!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

He's actually looking at the camera!!!

Trying to take photos of a 2.5 year old is hard...trying to get eye contact : nearly IMPOSSIBLE but today he actually looked at the camera! HOORAY!

He was being goofy and wouldn't smile, but I'll take whatever I can get right now!

Bad Sebby or ....bad mommy??

Sebastian is quiet the trouble maker! He loves acting silly and do things he is not suppose to, especially when we are not looking!

I found him jumping on the coffee table today and instead of scolding him, I ran an grabbed my camera! Sometimes, I just can't keep a serious face!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nathan is 4 months old!

A few days too late to post this but who cares?
On the 18th, Nate turned 4 months! Can you believe it? I sure can't.

He is a great baby. I mean he never fusses, cries or whines. He just adores hanging out amongst us and observe. He laughs quiet a bit right now too, which is so cute!
He sits up pretty well , and is even trying to roll from his back to his belly! I think he is teething(although the pediatrician doesn't think so).

His 4 month stats? drumroll please....

19 lbs!!!! and 26 inches!! he is in the 95th percentile for height and off the charts for weight. He is one chubby baby. The doctor was so amazed by his size that she showed him off to the entire office!

Here is one photo that was taken on his actual "4 month birthday", I have a few more but you'll have to wait for another post to see those :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A bit behind!

I've been slacking in the photo editing department, so of course I am behind on blogging (shame on me).

Last weekend we went to the zoo with Eric (because he says we have too much fun during the week without him). This picture was taken on the carousel. I can't believe how big my little man is getting. Today he is exactly 2.5!! He loves to drive me crazy, scream at the top of his lungs and run around like a mad man but he has got to be one of the most amazing person I have ever met!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


My friend Lynday entered a picture her 10 year old, Ty took of her when she was pregnant and she is now a finalist. PLEASE vote for her...the top prize : a trip to Jamaica!

Thank You!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Sebastian" to English dictionnary

Here are just a few words that you must know in order to understand our child....LOL

- noising means "making noise"
- gone-ing means gone (no idea why he adds the -ing).
- home-ing means going home.
- fease means please
- cha-chim means"the gym"

Monday, May 19, 2008

The funny things he says and does...

this is a totally random post, but I have to write them down before I actually forget them....

- One night after nursing Nathan, Sebastian came up and asked to have his share (yes, I STILL nurse my 2.5 year old). After nursing for a minute or two he looked up at me : " mommy your boobie is broken, let me try the other one!"...of course I couldn't help but laugh, he then looked at me with the most serious face " that's not funny mommy!"

Since we are on the topic of nursing...
- One night as I was nursing the baby, Sebastian came up and asked for some "boobie", I told him he had to wait because mommy was feeding the baby. He paused for a second, then looked at me and said : " Mommy, two for Nate and one for Sebby"

- We were in the pediatrician's waiting room waiting to be seen (for Nate's 4 month checkup), a little boy around Sebastian's age walks in and Sebastian says : "Hello, my name Sebby Harpmin (our new last name-lol) what your name?"

- Sebastian had been begging me for a "Cheebuger"(aka cheese burger) so I caved and when I handed it to him, he kissed it (yes, I swear he kissed the burger) and said " oh thank you mommy thank you!" HILARIOUS!!

- Sunday evening Sebastian is sitting in the living room, "reading" a book,
I ask him : " What are you reading baby?"
he says: " I reading the Bible, mommy"
A few moments later, I ask him : "Sebastian, Who is God?"
he replies: " It's Zezus(Jesus) mommy"

I could probably writes pages and pages of the things he says and does but that's all I can think of between the dog barking, Sebastian screaming and the baby whining!

Nathan's first trip to the zoo!

I had promised Sebastian a few days ago that we would go to the zoo. He kept mentionning it, so today eventhough it was about 90 degres, I packed up both kids and headed to the Palm Beach Zoo.
Sebastian had a total blast and Nate just being outdoors!

This is what I get when I asked Sebastian to say "cheese"!

I asked Sebastian what a flamingo does, and this is what he did! Cute huh?

This is what I get for taking him to the zoo ;)!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My boys...all three of them!

I rarely get a great picture of both kids, let alone both kids AND Eric.
I love this one, although Nate looks like a dear caught in head lights (is that how the expression goes??-lol).

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Auntie Nathalie!!!!

Today my dearest cousin Nathalie, turns 27... this one's for her!!

**click on image to enlarge**

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My lovies!

The lighting in our bedroom this morning was just perfect so I decided to prop Nate on the bed with a cute hat on...well once again Sebastian decided he wanted to be in the pictures too...this is what I got!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Proof is in the picture.

A few weeks ago I posted on my local meesage board that my 3.5 month old was sitting up unassisted. I know people probably thought I was crazy or overexagerating the truth, well here's your proof!
Isn't it amazing??

Having fun with my new backdrop.

I've been dying to try my new backdrops out but haven't had the opportunity until today.
Nate was the perfect model but Sebastian kept bugging me so I had a really hard time getting him to smile + be in focus! Next time, I'll try when Sebastian is napping and Nate isn't...should be easier!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Best Mother's Day yet!

My first Mother's Day with Sebastian was a terrific one, without a doubt BUT waking up with two beautiful little boys (three if you count daddy) is simply the best thing I could ever ask for.

I love bugging Eric when there is a holiday around the corner , because he has a tendancy to "forget" them. This time I decided I wouldn't ask for anything because I already had the most amazing Mother's Day gift: being a mom to Sebastian and Nathaniel, the most amazing children I have ever met!
I am not sure who reads my blog, but if you are a mommy, I sure hope you Mother's Day was as terrific and blessed as mine was.

Friday, May 9, 2008

I know they'll hate me one day...

when they see pictures of themselves dressed alike but I couldn't resist. I bought these pj's when we found out we were having another boy.
I have to admit though, I love seeing them dressed the same and don't care if they hate me ina few years (they'll get over it, right??).

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ben and Jerry's free cone day!

We couldn't pass up an opportunity for free ice cream, so this afternoon we headed out to Ben & Jerry's for a scope a yummy ice cream!

Lost and then... Found!!!

This morning as I was taking the trash out, Sebastian thought it would be a good idea to let Belle out of her cage...of course Belle ran like a mad dog! I tried running after her but that dog can run!!!
After an hour of driving around the neighbourhood screaming her name, Eric and I decided to put some signs up. I was terrified that she would get hurt, we live near a busy road and all I could think of is Belle getting hit by a car.
Sebastian kept crying : "BELLE BELLE BELLE".3 hours after she had gone missing I decided to call local animal shelters and vets to let them know that our dog was missing. Two minutes after hanging up with the Tri-County Humane Society, I receive a call back from them: someone had found Belle and brought her in.

The 2 ladies had found her running around the outside of the Boca Mall (she likes to shop just like her mommy-lol) and were able to catch her! THANK GOD!!!

So after nearly giving us a heart attack, she is now back home, causing trouble!

Taking down the signs afer finding Belle!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Been MIA!

Sorry I haven't updated the blog in quiet a few days. Sebastian has been sick (Puke-fest in our household) so I haven't had time nor much to blog about. He is doing much better though today and I'll have a bunch of stuff to add in the next couples of days!