I cannot believe it's been so long since I last updated our blog. It's not liek we've been busy or anything. ;) Things have been doing wonderfully around here.
Sebastian turned 4 in November and is thriving in school. He is obsessed with letters, writing and numbers and I LOVE it!
Nathaniel turned 2, 10 days ago and is the most talkative little 2 year old I know (he wins the prize for most stubborn aswell!). He is very different from his brother, which always amazes me and I am thankful for the joy he brings in our lives.
Another "big news" i have to share is that a few days after Sebastian's 4th birthday we found out that that God had blessed us again...you heard that right, we are expecting our 3rd child for sometime this summer.
The kids are thrilled abotu the news, especially Sebastian who has been the sweetest little boy to me since finding out the news. He is obsessed with my belly and wants to know everything and anything about the baby. He can stare at an ultrasound picture for HOURS.
Well, that's it for now. I hope to be able to be more consistent in my blogging so that I can keep you all updated on our lives.
I'll post some pictures in a few, because I have to show how beautiful my boys are! :)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Discovering our home state...
Eric and I love doing fun stuff with the kids on the weekend. We honestly don't spend much time at home when Eric isn't working because we'd much rather be spending our time outdoors.
Today we decided to do something different and take advantage of what our beautiful state has to offer. We went to the Everglades and went on an awesome airboat ride. The kids had a terrific time (and so did we). Sebastian kept repeating "This is so cool! This is so cool!".
At one point during our boat tour, our "captain" asked if anyone was willing to get out of the boat and walk around, of course Sebastian jumped on the opportunity to get dirty. He is just an adventurous kid, not sure he's really ours!?

Today we decided to do something different and take advantage of what our beautiful state has to offer. We went to the Everglades and went on an awesome airboat ride. The kids had a terrific time (and so did we). Sebastian kept repeating "This is so cool! This is so cool!".
At one point during our boat tour, our "captain" asked if anyone was willing to get out of the boat and walk around, of course Sebastian jumped on the opportunity to get dirty. He is just an adventurous kid, not sure he's really ours!?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mon petit loup...
“The Little Things”
The little things… they are easily forgotten.
but the little things are too important to forget
the little things that make us smile or laugh
the little things that we think we won’t forget
but we will unless we write them down.
The little things… they are easily forgotten.
but the little things are too important to forget
the little things that make us smile or laugh
the little things that we think we won’t forget
but we will unless we write them down.
Today, Sebastian...
Your favorite thing in the whole wide world is CHOCOLATE! Whether it melts in your mouth (M&M's) or it's spread on some fresh italian bread (Nutella) you cannot get enough of it.
You want everything you eat to be chocolate: ice cream, yogurt, cereal.
You love it so much, we can't keep it in the house!
Some may think I am a horrible for even allowing you to have any but your mother is from Belgium, chocolate runs in our veins!
Your favorite meals are rice and beans and hummus with rice crackers or carrots...weird kid!
You're a free-spirit...you hate shoes and love to walk bare foot.
You hate clothes and strip down to bare minimum as soon as you get in the house.
We put you to bed with pj's and you ALWAYS wake up naked!
You can't say the letter "L" and I think it's the cutest thing. You say "wov" instead instead of "love", "wiwwy: instead of "lily"!
You speak french with a cute american accent that I know, one day, will make girls heart melt!
You love to tell people that you can speak "en francais".
You adore your brother more than I would have ever dreamed you would. You even ask me for more siblings all the time. You've already picked a name for a sister: Olivia!
You won't allow daddy to leave for work in the morning without making sure that he has kissed everyone, given them a hug and told them "see you later aligator".
You love glue and my tables, floors, walls all know it! Oy!
You are a great friend and love to invite all the kids of our neighbourhood to come over and play!
You always end up in our bed in the morning and while it drives me crazy at times, I must admit that I absolutely love getting hugs and kisses from you ...even in the middle of the night!
You are the most polite 3 year old I know. You say "Thank you" "Please" "You're welcome" all the time and hold doors for everyone!
You love to tell me that you love me more than anyone else loves me.
You tell me I am the most amazing mom in the whole wide world at least 10 times a day and it makes me tear up EVERY.SINGLE.TIME!
You adore roller-coasters!! not the baby ones..the big big ones like Thunder Mountain or Splash Mountain!
You are fascinated by ghosts and monsters! Nothing scares you!!
You love building things with your daddy and when you do, you make sure to tell everyone how amazing your daddy is.
You love to wear "fancy" clothes and ties (even over a plain t-shirt). You say you like to look so the girls can look at you...not sure where you got that from but boy am I in trouble!
When you drop or break something you say 'Pickles" or "Mamma Mia" and it's hilarious!!!
You are so much like me, it scares me sometimes!
You pronounce our last name "Harp-Man" and insist you are correct. You even think all of your friends have the same last name.
You love God. You love to talk about him and Jesus all the time and I so proud of you for it. You like to tell people that Jesus loves them and love to sing songs that talk about Him. Your favorite book is the Bible and I think one day you'll be a preacher...how amazing would that be? (no, no, I am NOT making this up!)
You don't quit understand that your grand-mother is also my mother and tart crying everytime I try to tell you that ( you don't like to share her!).
You think your Sketchers are what make you run fast!
You are a soar looser.
You are most possibly the loudest kid I know (wonder where he gets that from).
You love to dance, twirl, make splits...but you've inherited the "no rythm" froyour daddy!
I absolutely, positively adore you son!!
xoxo MAMAN
Flash backs...
I am going to be creating some old posts with a few key moments for us in the past few months that I haven't updated our blog so keep check below for new photos and updates!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
We're backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
Yup, it's true, I decided to finally sit down again and keep up with this blog. I love looking back on all the amazing things my kids do and this is just the perfect way to keep track of those things.

What has happened in the past several months?
The boys have grown...TREMENDOUSLY!
Nate is now 14 months has learned how to chase his brother, tease his brother, hit his brother, learned how to say "Mama, Daddy, Belle, Balle, "I want juice", Kaka, bye bye and will give you a "bisous" (= kiss in french) whenever you ask for it...as well as the typical "high five".
Sebastian is almost 3.5 and has started preschool 3 mornings a week and has learned SO SO much in the past 3 months, he can read most of his letters, has learned so many new songs, ....
but the "thing" that has grown the most around here is the love we have for eachother and God!
I hope you'll continue to follow our journey...

Friday, March 13, 2009
New York, New York
On the 5th of March my maternal grandmother passed away. Her funeral took place in New York so we made the trip with the kids to pay our respects. The service was beautiful and I was glad that I was able to be there.
We took advantage of the trip to spend some time with family that hadn't met the kids yet and we had a terrific time, especially the kids. We even got to take the kids into the city, visit the Statue of Liberty, Empire State building, Time Square ...
Here are a few photos from our trip:
We took advantage of the trip to spend some time with family that hadn't met the kids yet and we had a terrific time, especially the kids. We even got to take the kids into the city, visit the Statue of Liberty, Empire State building, Time Square ...
Here are a few photos from our trip:
During our stay, we stayed at my cousin Matilda's home on Long Island. She has 4.5 TRIPLETS (Rena, Max and Lola) and a 1.5 year old, Alex!! Her sister, Maggie (also my cousin) had twins, Ana and Emma.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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