Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We're backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Yup, it's true, I decided to finally sit down again and keep up with this blog. I love looking back on all the amazing things my kids do and this is just the perfect way to keep track of those things.

What has happened in the past several months?

The boys have grown...TREMENDOUSLY!

Nate is now 14 months has learned how to chase his brother, tease his brother, hit his brother, learned how to say "Mama, Daddy, Belle, Balle, "I want juice", Kaka, bye bye and will give you a "bisous" (= kiss in french) whenever you ask for it...as well as the typical "high five".

Sebastian is almost 3.5 and has started preschool 3 mornings a week and has learned SO SO much in the past 3 months, he can read most of his letters, has learned so many new songs, ....

but the "thing" that has grown the most around here is the love we have for eachother and God!

I hope you'll continue to follow our journey...

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