this is a totally random post, but I have to write them down before I actually forget them....
- One night after nursing Nathan, Sebastian came up and asked to have his share (yes, I STILL nurse my 2.5 year old). After nursing for a minute or two he looked up at me : " mommy your boobie is broken, let me try the other one!"...of course I couldn't help but laugh, he then looked at me with the most serious face " that's not funny mommy!"
Since we are on the topic of nursing...
- One night as I was nursing the baby, Sebastian came up and asked for some "boobie", I told him he had to wait because mommy was feeding the baby. He paused for a second, then looked at me and said : " Mommy, two for Nate and one for Sebby"
- We were in the pediatrician's waiting room waiting to be seen (for Nate's 4 month checkup), a little boy around Sebastian's age walks in and Sebastian says : "Hello, my name Sebby Harpmin (our new last name-lol) what your name?"
- Sebastian had been begging me for a "Cheebuger"(aka cheese burger) so I caved and when I handed it to him, he kissed it (yes, I swear he kissed the burger) and said " oh thank you mommy thank you!" HILARIOUS!!
- Sunday evening Sebastian is sitting in the living room, "reading" a book,
I ask him : " What are you reading baby?"
he says: " I reading the Bible, mommy"
A few moments later, I ask him : "Sebastian, Who is God?"
he replies: " It's Zezus(Jesus) mommy"
I could probably writes pages and pages of the things he says and does but that's all I can think of between the dog barking, Sebastian screaming and the baby whining!