I don't realize how busy we are until I actually blog about it(keeping track of what the kids do is the reason why I started this blog since I am horrible at keeping up with their baby books)... This is my third post today because I haven't posted in a 2/3 days and have lots to share!
I guess we try to keep busy and expose Sebastian(and now Nate) to as many new things as possible.
Today we went to Tradewinds Park. Every 3rd weekend of the month you can ride their steamer, go on a farm tour and even ride horses!!
Unfortunately Eric had to go on conference call for work and could not come along thank godness Amy, Tony and Anthony were there to help me out and keep us company :)
This has to be one of my favorite picture of Sebastian. I love the look in his eyes... he is looking at his favorite thing in the whole wide world : TRAINS!!

with Tony, Anthony and Amy

the conductor!

byebye train

they are back!

Anthony eating popcorn

too sunny to open his eyes all the way... so cute!

On a horse! He LOVED it!