Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bad bad blogger!

I know, I suck! I haven't updated you on the boys in a longgggggggggg time. I have no excuse other than the fact that I have been busy (for a change).

The boys are doing fabulous. Sebastian won't shut up (and boy, do I love it) and Nate is reaching new milestones everyday.

Nate officially has 3 teeth (two top & one bottom) and is rocking on all fours. He has mastered the "backwards crawl" but hasn't yet figured out how to move forward. He pulls himself up on anything he can, and screams "DADADADA or MAMAMAMAMA" ALL.DAY.LONG!

Here are two recent pictures of them. I will update more, as soon as I can.

sending you all lots of love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are so beautiful!