1. Happy baby. Nathan is the sweetest little boy. He is always smiling. He rarely cries even when he is starving. When he wakes in the morning, he just lays in his bed and "talks" to his mobile.
2. Mr. Piggy. Nate LOVES to eat, and it shows. He has got the fatest, chunkiest thighs EVER so chubby that I have to make sure to clean the inside of his rolls everyday and put diaper cream in them or else they become super red and irritated.
He weighs about 21 lbs already too!

3. Yummy food. On his 5 month birthday we started Nate on cereal and he absolutely loved it. Sebastian even thought it was hilarious and fed him. He has now also tasted bananas and I cannot shove it in his mouth fast enough!

4. Peek-a-boo. He lovessssssss it when we play peek-a-boo with him. It just cracks him up. He has got the most contagious laugh ever.
5. Just like daddy. While Sebastian looks alot like me as a child, Nate looks SO much like his daddy (Eric adores hearing it from everyone). I hope he also gets his brains it would save us a load on college tuition. ;)
6. Belle. In the past few weeks,Nathaniel has been completly fascinated by Belle, our puppy. When she is in the room, nothing else matters. He follows her every move. It's adorable.
7. Teething. I think Nate has started teething. I don't think his teeth are ready to pop out but he won't stop chewing on everything he can get him hands on.
8. Jump, baby jump! Nate could spend the entire day in the Jumperoo if we let him. He jumps so much and squeels that he usually passes out after going in it for a bit. I don't remember Sebastian loving it so early on, but am sure glad we kept it around for him.
9. Scooting and rolling. While on tummy time, Nate has started to scoot around(not crawling) but he usually ends up in a weird position in a different plae that we set him down in. He is also already rolling from back to tummy and from tummy to back.
10. Love. Since his birth, Nathan has brought so much love into this family. I can't wait to see what his caracter shpes up to be and how much alike (or different) he will be from his brother. We adore him more than we will ever be able to express.
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