The boys are always so relaxed after their bath and massage (who wouldn't be?). It's usually a great time for me to pick up the camera and take pictures of them, so here are a few I took 2 nights ago.
Sebastian loves Nate (I know I say it all the time). I can't ever manage to get him to look at the camera for me anymore but if I ask him to pose with his baby brother, he is the best model ever.

this is Seb singing to Nate using his hand as a microphone!

Cellulite has never looked this good! I love my little monkey's chunky butt!

making a funny face!
Excellent la cellulite mdr !! Lola aussi ça faisait lorsqu'elle était encore bien potelée.
Ils sont superbes tous les deux, y'a pas à dire le noir & blanc ça a du cachet !
Aussi potelé que Léopol...
Bizarrement, on ne tente pas les photos tout nu: il fait encore un peu frais chez nous! Pourtant Léopol adore avoir les jambes et les fesses à l'air!
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