A year ago I thought I'd never have another baby and now my gift from God (that is what Nathaniel means) is 3 months old!!
He is truely a blessing and has brought so much love and joy into our family.
What is baby up to these days?
- He is sleeping through the night!! 7-8-9 or even 10 hours in a row!!
- He sleeps swaddled only!
- He is over 17 pounds so you can imagine that most of his day is spent on the boob.
- He has been rolling over from belly to back since he was 9 weeks old.
- He started smiling at 5 weeks old (actually 2 days before he turned 5 weeks).
- He lovessssssss to talk (wonder where he got that from?).
- He smiles all the time especially to his buddy, our ceiling fan LOL
- He loves to be in his swing on his boucer in the middle of the house so he can people watch.
- He never cries unless something is wrong.
- He loves his bath. That's all I can think of now.
Here are some pictures I took of him for his 3 month mini photo shoot :) I just think he is getting cuter by the minute, don't you think?

1 comment:
17lbs - wow, he is a big boy!!! :) And so jealous he is sleeping so well for you already! You must give me some tips! I'm desperate!
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