Anyway last time on our way out (through the gift shop), I noticed they sold cocoons. Weird you think? Well I bought 2 thinking it would be AMAZING to watch this cocoon everyday and see it become a butterfly right before our eyes.
Our first one died. We saw it starting to hatch but then I guess the butterfly was not strong enough and it never hatched all the way. I was very upset, because I felt horrible for even having bought this thing.
Anyway we have been watching the other one closely and guess what we found this morning????A BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY!!!!
Sebastian was SO happy!! He couldn't contain himself and kept screaming "my cocoon is now a fly-fly"
We had been patiently watching it everyday so seeing this beautiful transformation was definately something fun to do together!
NOTE: Don't mind the poor quality of the was 7 am and I was still nursing the baby so I didn't pay attention to focus, exposure...Enjoy!

How precious! We have an annual pass too, we should take the boys some time.
C'est super mignon de les voir découvrir ce genre de chose...
l'an dernier j'avais fait pousser des graines de cocos blancs sur du coton humide, et ça a germé, et ensuite on a pu planter le plant (il n'a pas fait long feu car augustine l'a "écrasé" par mégarde).. cette année je compte le refaire mais avec des lentilles: ça poussent plus vite! ok, ce n'est pas le même genre de vie mais c'est sympa de voir des "vulgaires" graines pousser!!
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